As to the Indians, let me remark by-the-by, I did not tell him (Brigham Young) that I understood the reason of his dislike to severe measures in that direction. Infernally bestial and cruel as are the Goshoots, PiUtes, and other Desert tribes, still they have never planned an extensive raid since the Mormons entered Utah. In every settlement of saints you will find from two to a dozen young men who wear their black hair in the Indian fashion, and speak all the surrounding dialects with native fluency. Whenenver a
fatly-provided wagon-train is to be attacked, a fine herd of emigrants' beeves stampeded, the mail to be stopped, or the Gentiles in any way harassed, these desperadoes stain their skin, exchange their clothes for a breech-clout, and rally a horde of the savages, whose favor they have always propitiated, for the ambush and massacre, which in all but the element of brute force is their work in plan, leadership and execution.
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